couchtuner New Inception (2010) Full Movie Download
- 148 Min
- Average Ratings - 9 of 10
- rating - 1979022 Vote
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio
- Writers - Christopher Nolan
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"Inception" Will Captivate Your Mind
I have just seen the movie "Inception" by Christopher Nolan, an English director and writer, and I would like to make my opinion about this incredible piece of art. This movie was released in 2011 and has been a success since the begging. "Inception" can be seen as an action, adventure, and mystery movie. It is filled with intrigue and it will break your mind. If I had to rate this movie, I would give it a 9.9 out of 10 because it very well done and the topic of was very interesting. It is not a surprise that "Inception" won 4 Oscars and another 33 wins and 109 nominations. It can even be considered as the best movie of this decade.
"Inception" talks about Cobb, Arthur, Ariadne, Eames, and Saiko who adventures into the mind of Robert Fisher with their skills of extraction to implant an idea into him. Cobb joins the group together and they prepare themselves for the hard task of making their first inception. They wanted to implant the idea that Fishers father wanted him to start over his life when he died and that he should not continue his company. They were doing this because Saiko, the rival company owner wanted Fisher's company out so that he could be the leader of the market and he hired the team to perfume the mission. Cobb accepted this because Saiko promised that he would clear his history so that he could return to his children because he had conflicts in the past that didn't allow him to see them. They enter into fisher's mind and find out that his subconscious have been trained against threats like the one they were tying to create. This makes the journey harder. In order to be able to actually insert an idea, they had to go very deep into the dream. They end up having to be dreaming in a dream of a dream so that they could be as deep in Fisher's subconscious as they could.
First of all I would like to comment about the actors performance in this movie. Leonardo Di Caprio who played as Cobb in the film did, in my opinion, an extraordinary job. I actually felt as if all the conflicts and problems he faced were real and also he made me feel as if his history with his wife was a reality. Di Caprio can be considered as one of the best actors in actuality because of his performance in movies like "Titanic "and this movie can be seen as one of his best works. Joseph Gordon-Levitt who played as Arthur, as well as Di Caprio, exited the expectations in this movie. He as well never seemed fake with his actions and was able to become the character completely. Ellen Page, in my opinion was the worst actress in the film. She made an incredible performance, maybe even one of her best, but still I could notice the lack of experience she had while been compared with the other actors in the movie. I believe that the action movies aren't her strength and she should maybe get involved more in other genres.
One aspect that I could exalt about this movie was its special effects. One scene that stranded out to me was when Cobbs was teaching Ariadne about dreams and how she was going to be the architect of them. She then decided to alter the laws of physics and bended the city so that the roofs of one build would be touching the roofs of another building. Also, another scene that was very interesting was when Cobb explained about the world that he created with his wife because of the incredible architecture. Also, the movie had a very good script because it described a lot of aspects that the audience needed to know to fully understand the movie because of the confusing concepts such as of inception, extraction and limbo. Also, a very interesting aspect f the movie is the fact that Christopher Noland decided to leave an open ending, which has created confusion to many. I believe that this technique fitted perfectly in this movie because it made people to think about the movie even when it had ended.
Two very important lessons that I learned from this movie are that you are never alone in life. This was taught to me because even though Cobbs had his internal conflicts with his children and his wife, Ariadne constantly asked him to let her in so that she could help him and she did. Also, that everything has a root cause. I learned this because the plan of the mission was to put in a simple idea that would grow in Fisher's subconscious and would change his life. In life, people always ask why bad things happen to them but if they look closely to the reasons that lead to what happened to them, they will always have the fault.
The writer of this critique is Alejandro Carranza he is a student in Lincoln School from Costa Rica. He is currently in ninth grade. He is doing this film critic of "Inception" because he saw the movie in the class of Film Appreciation of the professor Pablo Morales and was asked by him to choose one movie to criticize. Alejandro enjoys watching movies in his free time. His favorite sport is soccer and he has been playing this sport all his life.
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